Originally posted by Jack:
The right man is in office! If Gore would have won, he would be sitting in a corner rocking back and forth while sucking his thumb over this terrorist crap that is going on.
Yup. Gore was a carbon copy of Clinton and under Clinton, bin Laden attacked the WTC towers in 93, bombed the U.S. embassies in Africa, bombed a U.S. barraks in Saudi Arabia, and attacked the U.S.S. Cole in Yemen. What was Clinton's response? We blew up a pharmacutical factory in Sudan. At one point, the government of Sudan offered us Bin Laden but Clinton turned them down. Also, during Clinton's last year in office, the CIA knew exactly where Bin Laden was and had a plan to take him out but Clinton wouldn't give them the go ahead. If Gore were president, we'd probably be sending bin Laden U.S. tax dollars to try to appease him.