Heard this (no lie) on the Nooch a few years back and almost laughed my ass off. Just walked back to my cat after pulling my rig off the make shift ramp at crossover on the Nooch. Some guy in a brand new DB was starting to back down. His buddy was guiding him down that narrow launch while I watched (I was setting up my gear to take off). His boat went in and and started to sink, FAST. Buddy guiding had no idea it was sinking (and from response to happen I could tell this guy was on his first trip). The guy backing his boat says "Put the tie downs in the cab". His buddy yells "What tie downs?". The guys yells "Sh$t!" and his buddy yells "Did you put the plug in your driftboat?" The driver yells "It has a plug?". I was laughing so damned hard I almost leaked in my waders. The straps still on put the weight of trailer on boat, and no plug help suck it down quick. I saved a couple boxes that went overboard. I wonder if this guy posts on here??? It was a nice new Alumaweld guide model. Anyone want to admit to it or know who this might be? Too funny
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