Man, I thought you crackers would have better numbers that that! I fished Cathlamet with my hog herring 16 times this year and caught 11, but only 4 were keepers. Also lost a lot - one day fishing by myself lost 4 right at the boat:( Not near so good a year as last year - had one day where my bud and I hooked 13 and put nine in the boat before we got our 4 keepers, all this by noon laugh But this year there was a lot more pressure, especially from frickin gillnets in March mad and a lot more sport fishermen were fishing effectively.

Now with this high water we are having, coupled with the great return last year, we actually could have high outmigrant survival and a decent run of hatchery fish in 3 years or so. However, I doubt that with the record low flow last year and the likely abyssmal survival of wild spring chinook we will be allowed to fish - there may not be any incidental fish to take other than those for the indians. Never know, though.
The fishing was GREAT! The catching could have used some improvement however........