Well here's the scoop. Got out dark o'clock from armeni and hit a buch of rollers from who knows where, but didn't see any large ships. Thought I was at Westport. Went to threetree and saw ton-o-bait all over. Stopped the boat along the way and could see nothing but the flourcent flashes all over. That wasn't anything till we got down to threetree. When it got a little lighter, you could see groups of bait balls all around the boat. Didn't see any action for Kings, but, Blackmouth and silvers kept us busy until the change. Didn't see any nets come up at all. Majority of the fish were barely sub leagal but managed to keep a silver about 4#s. Didn't get to fish after the tide. On the way back up hit the fog from about Brace all the way to the ramp and was no fun. Almost ran into a couple of boats fishing the litehouse at west seattle. eek eek eek


