"I pitch in the first $100 to get you a one way ticket to Cambodia..."

Who are you kidding? From reading your posts and observing your behavior and reaction toward people that offer an opinon different than yours, it would appear that you suffer a serious mental disorder. Could be Post Tramatic Stress, from your experiences in the killing feilds, or your difficulties with sharing space and dialog with others. Only guessing, but man there is something wrong with how you interact on this BB at times.

I have had to ask that you stay out of my threads because of your personal attacks, and you still can't muster up enough control, to respect my wishes. Like I have said before, all you have to do is pass by JLH, and go on to the next thread. Then I don't have to take the time out of my day to point out your obvious character defects.

It is my opinion that you need the money a lot more than I do, as there seems to be a potential, for a health crisis in your near future, if you don't lighten up. In additon to the mental mentioned, I would also add coronary disease as a potential with your uptight and combative disposition. So again, I would suggest to you to hang onto your money for potential health reasons. You may need services that are outside of the VA. Your lack cognitive skills and the many irrational responses you offer, suggest to me that you are already sick, or for sure in the process of disease.

As to your serving your country?.. So what!.. as TK would say. It was your choice to serve, as many others have and still do, that share a difference of opinion as yours.

Again, you can use the money a lot more than me. If it's ($) burning your pockets send some to the Katrina relief fund or buy some more of those Chinese made yellow ribbons. :p


Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of
Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter
of the gods.

-- Albert Einstein