people love che as a symbol af anti-imperialism......that about covers it. you have to realize that much of the world doesnt get all their info from corporate news and have alot of reasons to like him and what he stood for.......

its amazing how far off base the sentiment of americans are towards cuba and fidel......just another case of people not wanting to know the truth and just accepting what they are told......

if cuba is so bad.....why do so many cubans love the revolution and the country???? why are just as many trying to get into the country as are trying to get out? why is cuba beating us on so many metrics? and how much better would they be without the bloquade????

id take fidel over bush any day too....and unlike so many with opinions that have no factual basis, ive been to both places and seen the problems and triumphs of each..... they both have problems and they both have strengths.

ps aunty- bush has killed over a quarter of a million humans in the last 4 years.......sorry but fidel isnt even anywhere near as evil as bush.....not even 1/100th....
and much of his so called "oppression" of cuban dissedents was in defense of cuba which is under constant attack by American terrorists who blow up hotels and spread biological weapons to induce swine failure etc........

99.9% of americans just simply have no clue what they are talking about regarding cuba
"time is but the stream I go a-fishing in"- Henry David Thoreau