I'll be up there Wednesday and Thursday with the relatives - about half a dozen of them want to fish so I'll be doing 2 shifts - might even get in enough fishing with the 4 fish limit on laugh Last week I hooked all the silvers and humpys I wanted fishing 20 feet deep in 100 to 250 feet of water following the rips, so no 'riggers needed, although I always bring mine along as conditions may change. Tides don't seem to matter, neither does direction, although I'm trolling about 3.5 most of the time so I'm way faster than the current no matter which way I go. And I fished that place for years in a 12 foot Valco short shaft - makes my Smokercraft Lodge seem like a luxury liner by comparison. Anyway, should have fish coming out my ears, let you know all about it when I get back beer
The fishing was GREAT! The catching could have used some improvement however........