Bubs..although I am extremely critical of tribal abuses in hunting and fishing I am with Ron. Neah Bay has cleaned up its act alot since I first visited. The Big Salmon crew has been great the last two years and everyone around there was polite and helpful . The marina is first class. There is still work to be done by the tribe to convince members not to steal from visitors. It is sad to still see warnings at the motel about not leaving things unattended. In 2003 it was gas cans and coolers (with beer) that were the booty of choice by the thieves. It used to be that you could not leave your boat unattended if you wanted your electronics and downriggers to still be there after you walk away. At night you can count on run ins with the Makah police by crazy kids chasing around in cars on the 3 or 4 blocks of city streets...All in all it is a great place.
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