This will never happen again, that is believing the weatherman! In 1997 My son, a friend and myself decided to take the long float on the Nooch, the weatherman called for mostly sunny with highs in the 50’s, so I decided to dress light that day no long under wear just my fleece and light neoprene’s with a light Hodgmen’s rain jacket (and I use that term lightly, rain jacket that is). Ok, pickup truck dropped off 11 miles downstream, gear loaded in the boat a little chilly but tolerable with the sun coming up and the 50 degree weather just hours away. We push off from the ramp get about 300 yards downstream and all hell broke loose! The wind came up to probably 20 mph snow, hail, more wet snow and rain and it is coming at us parallel to the river and does not let up for the whole day. My day was spent huddled under a spare coat we happen to have in the boat I was shivering and numb throughout my whole body, I’m sure I was on the edge of hypothermia, we had to drain the boat 4 or 5 times during the day and actually row hard downriver just to keep the boat from blowing back upriver. We finally ended up at the takeout about 5 hours later, and I started stripping my clothes off faster than a exotic dancer at a strip club, clothes off in the truck warming up and you guessed it the sun comes out. Well my lesson was learned that day I now pack extra clothes on my fishing trips no matter what the weatherman says. To this day I have been trying to find a job where I can screw up almost daily and get a pay check just like the weatherman we depend on. beathead