Another Michigan story. I was visiting relatives one March and was offered a steelheading trip. Went up to the Muskegon River in a very heavy wind and snowstorm to a place my uncle called heart attack hill. It definately was a steep SOB as 3 of us slid on our butts down a very steep and long hill side. Ice and slush chunks were floating by in the near white out conditions. After about an hour of this it warmed up a little and the snow turned to freezing sleet. There were a couple of kamakazie steelies that must have thought that the bank was warmer than the river. So we were just busy enough to ignore the foul weather. As the day went on it got colder again and the sleet turned back to snow. The wind started blowing so hard that we couldn't see the river, so we decided to get out of there. By now there was a layer of ice on top of the snow and the snow that was now falling down, up, sideways, etc was just curling everywhere. We tried to get up the hill for 2 hours as every few feet of progress that we'd make one of us would slip and fall on the ice. We finally got off the trail and pulled ourselves up by grabbing the brush and whatever else we could get a grip on. When we finally got to the top we were so drenched with sweat that we steaming. We had to strip down and change into whatever was in the back of the truck. We made it as far as the 1st town where the police were stopping traffic until the storm let up. We spent the night sleeping on the floor of a resturant/bar.
It's wonderful to be good. But it's better if you're lucky and good!