I would gladly participate, however, one of my concerns would be media bias (this would not stop me from participating, but it should be something we'd need to address). Several years ago, my dad put together a protest on Elliot Bay he called the Elliot Bay Salmon Wake. It must have been during the summer of '93 or '94. Basically what happened, was the tribes got to do a test fishery on Elliot Bay followed by a commercial harvest. While this was going on, Elliot Bay was closed to sport fishing for salmon. An on the water protest was put together with PSA members taking news crew and cameras in their boats and being interviewed on Seacrest Pier on the night of the actual harvest.

Every sportsman interviewed, made it clear that it was a commercial harvest and that the test fishery had been done earlier in the week. However, when the story was shown on the news, it was presented as if sportsmen were protesting a test fishery and not willing to work with (tribal) biologists to determine the run strength. In the end, the story made sportsmen look like fools. I'm not sure how to fight politically correct media, but it is something we'd need to consider.