
having been around the conservation issues my whole life and the same things always without excetption happens. I am not kidding this happens every single time..

A group decides it wants to do something good. They plan it out and get it all organized, do the politicking it takes they get commissioners on their side. then boom some other group comes in with a complaint and shoots down the whole works and nothing good for fish ever gets done. This happens every single time consequently nothing ever gets done for wild fish. Frankly i am sick of it I want things good done for wild fish and i couldn't care less what affects it has on anyone else because they never cared about the effects of their actions on fish..

Again you might see this as extreme but it's only extreme to the extent of the anti wild fish actions that have gone on for a centruy and are still going on today.
Foregive the crude analogy but it's 100% accurate. Wild fish have been taking it up the butt for 100 years. it's time for the reaming to end and I for one don't care how it ends as long as it does end..

wild steelhead in the state of washington are in decline in every single river system In every river there are fewer fish than there were 20 years ago This by deffinition means that wild steelhead are in the process of extinction, I for one want that process stopped by any mans possible.

People who don't think current wild steelhead populations are truly wild don't know and most likely don't care about the science and are factually incorrect.