This may be a bit off topic, but I just have to ask...... Why should the wealthiest of americans pay more of their income in taxes than the middle class or less fortunate, especially since they are the ones that use government programs the least????? They are american just like I am american, if I pay 28% or 20% or whatever, why shouldn't they pay 28% or 20% or whatever??? Just because they had the drive, ambition, intelligence or just plain good luck, to make millions upon millions, why do so many people want to punish them with higher taxes??? I don't get it....would you feel the same if you won the super lotto for 100 mil tomorrow? Would you offer up those higher taxes if you had your stroke of good luck? Or maybe you'd just offer up about 20 million and donate to the national debt because you feel like you should be paying more in taxes than what they are taking?

Wasn't it the Declaration of Independance, the foundation of our country, that said: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Well if we are all equal, why not tax us all equally?
M Go Blue!