So, I know this is probably totally naive, but....

Why won't either of these guys sign over complete access to their records rather than just handing over cleared pieces that they deem relevent?

Assuming there's nothing to hide,wouldn't the first one to step up and make all of his records public be seen as the more honest guy?

Doesn't Kerry have the opportunity to prove that he got more than 3 scratches? Couldn't he go X-ray his leg, show the schrapnel and bury these guys?

Doesn't Bush have the opportunity to prove that he was actually present for his service? Couldn't he also bury some detractors by opening his records (like the cocaine allegations)?

Just looking for an honest discussion....

Flame away, but if you do, it's only fair to warn you that I'll claim to be as big as necessary in order to prove my side.
