
"I am absolutely prepared to hear your arguements on how Iraq represented the cause of Islamo Fascism. Please elaborate."

Sadam paying bounties the families of palestinian homocide bombers.

Zawquari was operating inside Iraq prior to the invasion

The 9-11 report while noting no direct Iraq operational link. Notes involvement between Irag's government and Al Queda. This is backed up by Russian intelligence.

The difference between our views does not lie in that fact alone but the in the need to act premptively.

Islamofacist are operating in every middleeastern country today the question is what do we do about it? Your side wants to wait and see what happens while they negoatiate, capitulate and comittee the thing to death. My side says fine we can do that but there is a big stick and it will be used and they need to act in good faith or expect the consequences for their actions or inactions. It's thier decision. Islamofacists do not respond to timeouts!
Liberalism is a mental illness!