Originally posted by Dan S.:
You know the earliest date that anyone posted?

Yeah, I fished them about three months before that. \:D

I remember being down at the Cowlitz just after I had gotten my driver's license. Must have been 83-84. This dude came down with a bass rod rigged up with a drift rig that was rigged with a black rubber worm, and stood next to me. I'm thinking "look at this a$shole.....what a clown."

He made about five casts and walked out with a pair of chrome 3-salters.

If I had a clue back then, I would have beamed in on what he was using and started using them myself. But nooooooooo. I didn't try one myself for another 6 or 7 years. Idiot.

I fish the worm now on a jig. Berkley makes these cool little 3" units that come linked together on a string. You tear one off and thread it on the jig hook and it makes a nice little enticement.
You win \:D
