I don't ever really chime in here, but I actually have something to add here. More of like "my way"

I love the blood knot and rely on it almost ALL of the time while steelheading. Down on the Rogue I did alot of the bug n' bubble. You know, the cracker way to fish a set of weighted nymphs indicator style (before I got my a$$ in gear and picked up a bug rod)! I used 20 lb power pro high vis, blood knotted to eight feet 10lb floro, the rubber band adjustable bubble goes right at the blood knot. Straight to a weighted stone pattern. The floro sinks and I'm able to mend away with the braided main.
I fish the same 8-10ft top shot of mono for drift, and spinner fishing. I like the little bit of shock absorbtion it offers, as well as the better abrasion resistance when bouncing spinners or roe. All the while you get the better feel of the braid.
Blood knots are the rule, at least for me. I've only seen one part ONCE. That was on a super monster spinner take, and I'll chalk it up to a chitty knot.
I DO like to throw in a half hitch on the braid to keep it from slipping though. And I always make sure the knot is up to par. Even if your about to pull your hair out because you fubar'd three in a row...do it again!

Representing Southern Oregon
Bow down to the power of THE ROGUE