Thanks for everyone advise, and offering to help trying to find it. I've actually given up. I've made 4 different trips with a few trustworthy friends and my wife who could of strangled me with all the cliffs and ledges she had to climb just to get my hunting spot. Maybe I'll find the remains someday I'm pretty sure the cats and ravens have feasted on it since. I can't stand walking through those woods alone in the dark. Cat prints everywhere and everytime I turn my head I've spotted another burrow. I'm thinking of doing some Killing to support my Elk population. ( I wonder if it would help). I'm off to fishing now and would like to know if there are Kings on the OP yet. I going stir crazy at home I lost my job on the 21st. All the Job searching, Unemployment crap, pressure from everyone has got me feeling kind of @#$#y. Nothing better to clear my mind with some good Fall king Action so I can return with at least a couple nice filets and a clear head. I now this is a hunting forum but does hunting for Chantrelle mushrooms count. Does anyone have any insight of fresh crops on the OP give me a little insight. I just need to know an area.