Understanding the science? lol. Al Gore a scientist? Next thing you know they'll be telling us Will Ferrel is a physicist. Last we checked Greenland was still covered in snow. The temps haven't gone up in 5 years. The dramatic polar ice melt off that we saw over the summer is forming ice faster then it melted off. Antarctic sea ice has been on the increase for the past two decades. Given over the past 200 years of recorded history the earth's temp has risen half a degree celcius were still not seeing the kinds of human involvement of the Gore factor he's touting as a religion. Some of the key scientists that were involved in the 70's in what they thought was becoming of the next ice age are the same clowns telling us New York will be under 20 ft of water within the next two decades.

All it's really doing is raising taxes and giving more control to people whom dream of nothing more then to control all the mind numb zombies that believe in their fodder. If they can get politicians to win over the hearts of Americans by shear BS drama and playing the enviro-green PC card they will have succeeded in the biggest lie in earths history.

Meanwhile joe blow and sally sue will be crushed by a ford excursion while on their way to work in a prius. Why? because they felt it was the right choice to do their part to save the world from melting.

When we get to 2020 when were supposed to by kayaking around in central park looking back at those SUV monsters that were made in the late 90's early 2000's. They may not seem so bad when we realize that the majority of deaths from motor vehicle accidents won't be from drunk driving but because vehicles that were supposed to surpass federal guidelines by lightening structural material to reach those mpg's. We can then blame it on the rats that followed the Gore piper.

On a personal level I think the best thing that can be done to the environment is to leave it alone and do your fair share of picking up beer cans and recycling. After all 90% of Exxon Valdez wasn't cleaned up by people scooping up oil laiden sand and scrubbing rocks with lemon fresh joy, mother nature took care of that. Oil flows up through vents on the ocean floor all day long.