You swing spoons in the current. You don't retrieve spoons. If you're spoon ain't swinging, you casted wrong in the wrong place....or are fishing in a back eddy.

I'm with Garcia on this one. Just reel a little s....l....o.....w....e.....r with a 7:1. Not like it's night-and-day kinda different. This ain't rocket science. Smooth? What?

The benefits of the 7:1 outweigh everything else.

Good luck catching up to a hot fish coming back at you on a slower retrieve reel.

You can get the spoon back in and out in the water fishing faster with the 7:1

The big disadvantage of this reel is the weight. It's not a light reel.

Past that, it's my favorite reel for spinners and spoons.
Tule King Paker