Should it be so annoying to see people ignore the fact that Al Gore is nothing more than a messenger?
Hint: If Jay Leno stops referring to Gore-Warming in his monologues, we can all rest assured the subject hasnt been funny for a while.
Wouldnt it be cool if Gore was allowed to drift off into obscurinimity. He's got some ground to cover if he's going to catch up to Dan Quale.

Environmental science, ecologists, meteorologists, corn-farmers and even the freaks at NOAA all have slightly different explanations/theories of "global warming" and "Climate change" Many of them actually make perfect sense.

Climate change is irrelevantly obvious to most people including those sitting in a lawn chair in the back yard penning the extended list of everything that sucks about life and who's to blame.
However, dismissing the term "global warming" because your own alloted hectare is currently colder than normal is somewhat neanderthalic thinking.

The world is not flat. But dont take my word for it. If youre interested enough, you'll go see it for yourself.

At the age of fourteen a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it's breathtaking- I suggest you try it.