I asked Joe what he wanted to call this thing and he came up with the name. smile

Here's what I know so far. Allen Bar is being sold by the current owner and the deal is supposed to close sometime in Jan. I've talked to the current owner but have yet to find out if the new owner will be open to letting us host this event at that location. When I get confirmation on that I'll let everyone know.

Depending on when we have this thing, the Hoh may or may not even be open for fishing, however, it is centrally located so people could fish any of the OP rivers and not have to drive far after morning registration. I can't thing of a better place to host it so I hope Allen Bar pans out.

Fly and I have to sit down and work out some details, but this is what we've talked about so far. People will be required to sign in the morning of. At that time we will give each contestant a sticker of a given shape and color to put most likely on their fishing rod, and this sticker MUST be shown somewhere in both the lentgh and girth photos (tight frames taken with tape measure on fish) for a fish if it is to be considered for prizes. Also, while we will make this event open to everyone, we reserve the right to evoke the MF'r clause and boot anyone who acts out of line as determined by us. These people will also be banned from the event in the future, so be cool.