I take exception to this quote by Marsha.

"There is no equality as long as men victimize the weaker sex and women are defenseless."

To see the way men are constantly raped by the system when it comes to divorce, and how men are victimized by the court as to custody, and child support, I'd say that until women want to step up and wish to really become equal, they will remain the weaker sex. Stop demanding special treatment because of your sex. (Marsha I know you don't demand special treatment, but others of your sex certainly do, and they drag you down with them.) It is similar to demanding special treatment because of race.

On the other issue, I have no issue raising the level of violence to a state that would be seen as abhorent by 99% of humanity, should I or my family, ever be attacked again.

H2O is correct about vigilence to a certain extent, but in an attempt to disarm the populace, history has proven that while the law abiding citizen dutifully turn in their weapons, the criminals don't. That is why they are criminals. It is nice to think ideally, but hwen applied to the real world, all ideal scenarios fail.

Victim once, but never again.
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

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