Originally Posted By: seastrike
Before ya get yer azz chewed change mine to black Ryley. I want to go all Ninja on boater.


Originally Posted By: parker
I can (and probably will) fix all that color crap...that's ASSuming Bob doesn't beat me too it.

Hint to the asshat who farted around with the colors - it wasn't well received by The Boss.....

Might want to "fix" the house before The Man returns - which is probably now or really damn soon.

Just sayin'.


HINT Parker, dont be such a Doofus! You know damn well it was me...Though the change of Todd's name to the same green as the mod color was inadvertant. It started with Doc on his IFish defection night, went to Todd, and Ended with Chuck's love of UW. I've since changed Toff to a different green that is less 'Modly.'

Seastrike has a good groove going ninja tho, I like that.

You know something bad is going to happen when you hear..."Hey, hold my beer and watch this"