Originally Posted By: stlhdr1
Originally Posted By: cobble cruiser
Originally Posted By: parker
Originally Posted By: stlhdr1
Only thing different, had I landed that 30+ steelhead I would have been done for good given it was a lower 48 fish.

Not very often does one see an honest 30 in the lower 48.

27 on the scale (8 hours later) is/was the best I could do.

Unlike you, I don't plan on retiring once I get that 30. wink There's always a 35...or a 40!

Fish on - Until I die!


A 44.5" steelhead with a good girth (say 23") should be close or over 30 I would presume. I once saw a 45" inch snake like steelhead (summer)with a girth just under 21" that wouldn't even be close. It was slightly difficult to tell that it was even a male steelhead however most winter and spring fish seem to have more consistent weight to length ratios. (average girth)

Anyway a 44.5" in Washington fish would be a freak, I'd love to see a pic!

There's always a new mountain to climb and I aint going to quit till I'm dead or crippled! I lost Steelhead hunter once a few years ago and saw him again last year in a clear tailout! Thought I saw a ghost!!!!!! eek2

I'll be around for a while... I haven't heard of a 30 confirmed in the lower 48 (SW WA) that I prefer to fish in years. I had a younger friend that beached a fish in Feb that measured 44.5" on his rod, only thing he had to measure it with. That probably was my fish, the one that would have set me into retirement.

I've tried my arse off every Jan-March 15 trying to dominate that 30 number and I tend to fish a creek that's been known to harbor a few, heck I grew up on it.... thumbs

No biggie if it does happen, I'll likely take up another hobby for a short time span and have withdrawl's of those ass kickin' winter nates that we all love to chase, be it 8 or 20+ pounds.... Every one of them will give a grey haired man a woodie......

Keith rofl

Really any wild steelhead is a thing of beauty. Any steelhead over 12 or 13 pounds is impressive. A fish over 20 is downright surreal and a thirty?........ugh!!!...gets me shakin just thinking about it. 44.5" in Washington is an absolute freak. I would literally pay to see pics of that!!!! You think I"m joking?

Edited by cobble cruiser (12/12/09 01:42 AM)