Continuing the journey.........

Day 5 – The Big Blue with Robbo – Robbo and Chris joined us for a day out on the Hannibal Banks to chase marlin and dorado. A much calmer sea and a pleasant boat ride started the day off right. Rob showed me his technique for making bait using metal jigs. Basically, you never rest, you never stop and you crank until your arm falls off. He took some skipjack right off the bat that went into the tuna tubes. We locked into our basic trolling routine with Rob continuing to fish for more bait and me trying to master his technique. All of a sudden, Rob yells “DORADO!” and chucks his jig right at the fish he spotted…..the fish climbed all over Rob’s jig as soon as it hit the water……

We found an old crusty floating log and Rob saw some green flashes under it…”Mingo! Grab your flyrod! Get ‘em bro!”

This is the sh!t you DREAM about during long, cold wet rainy Puget Sound days and nights…….

I had one follow and one other near take before they moved off the log……..but I wasn’t too bummed because this yellowfin was lurking nearby spoiling for a fight……….

Then this green demon showed up, pissed off and ready to go mano y mano

Bankers are twats that have been hated throughout history - Dan S.