Originally Posted By: 4Salt
You made the assertion Marz... therefore the burden of proof is on you to back it up.

Nice try at dodging though. You are good at makin' excuses... I'll give ya that.

I challenged you because I knew you wouldn't be able to provide anything but anecdotal "evidence"... and of course, I was right.

Actually you are the one that said people on government assistance don't vote, not me... if you want to believe that, have at it.

I would imagine that being such a proponent for the "common man" you would have developed enough proof on this matter on your own but (apparently) you don't and expect me to provide it.

Truth is, you don't really want proof, and even if you got it you would rather spend hours debating the validity of it rather than entertain the idea you may have been wrong... your MO is like a broken record, stalemate the discussion with straw man and claim victory.

I will just assume that you are all in with Pelosi and the statement about musicians quitting their day jobs was rooted in the millions of musicians that are unable to reach full potential due to their concern with health care and that government provided health care will result in a musical renaissance.

Is this where I get attacked personally like Aunty M?

Some would call it predictable, not me... I call it reliable.