Ordinarily I'd agree that 99 weeks of unemployment benefits is more than enough. But these are not ordinary economic times. While there are no doubt some deadbeats who prefer collecting unemployment to earning a paycheck, I'm of the persuasion that far more people are are very willing and much prefer earning their money, yet simply cannot find work. Not just the good job they had, but anything they can qualify for that pays a living wage.

If I lost my job, downsized my house and transportation, gotten rid of all my luxuries (assuming some things I have may be perceived as such by a few), and then couldn't find work that pays enough to cover rent and food, I'd be inclined to make a career change to hunting down and killing bankers and politicians who created this mess. What's left to lose?

As for the Bush tax cuts, the way I see it, anyone who favors extending them is exhibiting the behavior of living beyond their means on credit. I'm a balanced budget advocate. Hank seems to think it's as simple as spending less. I don't agree that it's that simple. Although I favor low taxes, I think the U.S. let that train leave the station long ago. With high national debt and ongoing budget deficits, I think we're obliged to pay as we go and stop adding to the debt of the next generations of American taxpayers. Ya' know that high quality of life we've been striving for Hank? Forget it. The gov't. that represents us already spent it, and then some. And either we pay for it, or our kids and grandkids do.
