Originally Posted By: Dan S.
I'm sure Ty knows that his ass depends on Locker learning how to throw a good pass. If he starts throwing good passes, game's over for the likes of WSU, SU, OSU......and UW will be taken seriously by every team on their schedule.

If he throws like he did last season, defenses will key on him, and he'll take a beating...........and games will slip away and Ty will be packing his bags.

If that kid learns to pass, he'll be Heisman material.

Originally Posted By: Dan S.
If Locker gets drafted in the third round, he'll still make more in his first year than you dildos will in your whole pitiful lives.

And his wife is waaaaaaay hotter than yours.

So suck it.

Sorry to break it to you but Jake Locker still cannot throw a good pass downfield. Maybe he could earn some money playing linebacker.
I'd Rather Be Fishing for Summer Steelhead!