Originally Posted By: freespool
I reject Aunty's reality, and inject my own.
From my perspective things can and must change, if recovery is truly the goal.
Presently we have a save the dam plan firmly entrenched, with the biggest energy producers calling the recovery shots.
Just because the political winds are blowing in one direction doesn't mean they can't change.
But when I read BPA cherry picked bullet points, it makes me think someone is a apologist for those who stand in the way of recovery.

And this tool calls us the problem.

Freespool, table your arrogance for a minute and try and reach a solution that will help fish, and people.

We all know what needs to be done. But the reality is.....it will take small steps over a period of time.

Politics manage fish, I wish it was different. Hopefully we can make something happen in time. But if you think for a minute your constant banter is helping, your dead wrong.

Reality SUCKS!

Now go smoke another bowl and think how else you could be a complete A-Hole.

Rusty Bell