Guys/Gals - Really...... This topic is certainly worthy of considerable discussion and debate. The article is very well written, and worth careful consideration. We really don't need the 'spitting match' between two strong personalities. Give it a rest.

Back on point - My sense is that if Judge Redden tosses out the latest Federal hydro plan for Pacific salmon (i.e., biological opinion), there will be a legislative fix. That is, Doc will introduce a bill in the House that overrules Judge Redden, for now and forever more. Patty and Maria will do the same in the Senate. The Administration has already indicated they support the plan, so a veto would be unlikely. Game, set, match. Done. Over. No more litigation, no more dam breaching discussion, no more options, no further arguing. And if Pacific salmon slide towards extinction in the Columbia Basin sometime in the future, the solution won't be readily apparent.

I'm normally not pessimistic, but I don't see a win-win solution to this one.