Originally Posted By: 2MANY
No I haven't ran an e-tech but I hear people love them. My boat is a 21' Fish Rite, 225 yamaha four stroke tiller(because it weighed the same as the 200 4 stroke and had more power) , T-8 Yamaha, 5 Degree bottom. I just moved the batteries all upfront behind the fish box under a diamond plate box/cover. It made all the difference with the weight issue, added upper platform area, and brought the back end up about 2"+- when free drifting. It works pretty well now......and you?

Here's a hint... If you've got to move batteries around you've got issues, probably not the power of the motor that's lacking.... Just the overall length/width/weight.... 225? At least you're stimulating the economy!

Keith moose
It's time to put the red rubber nose away, clown seasons over.