First of all, I do not do this. I have not fished since the closures. I was just curious as i am hearing more and more of this talk in this forum. It was a simple question, I am not looking for any justification.

I am not asking for anyones advice on this topic. What this poll is for is plain and simple. Just a rough estimate of how many of the PP folks believe they are above the law. I am not naming any names, period.

I learned a while back that everyone on this board or any other board is just another guy. Whether you have fished for 2 months or 40 years. Whether you have zero posts or wrote and published books. Whether your the president of a conservation group or a guy who litters everywhere he goes. The point is, for me to justify any actions based on a poll is completely foolish.

As far as my ethics go? I do not fish closed waters, probably why half of gear hasn't even seen a river this year. I have the WDFW on speed dial, and have tipped at least three times in the last year. Do not begin to assume my ethics because of an information-gathering poll.