Originally Posted By: HOOKUP
The latest trend in nutrition is diet obessive compulsiveness to a point where your food becomes your religion

Ya, that's the latest trend. If latest means anytime after about 1965.

So, HOOKUP are you telling us that you use calories in/calories out as your dietary guideline? I understand that one as it utilizes the first law of thermodynamics. I don't see how it relates to health though. It relates to weight not body composition or functionality of bodily systems. The ci/co theory means a big mac of 790 calories is the equivalent of a 790 calorie big and colorful salad.

There are plenty of people who do great with that, but I struggle with it. Once I became a "Paleo-tard", things became a lot clearer. My wife says "What do you want for dinner?" I answer "Meat and vegetables". And that is all there is to it, it is easy. I never look at a label or count anything. If the food looks like it did when it died, then it is okay.

Lastly, if it doesn't affect you wouldn't you rather see folks obsessing over their health, instead of just about anything else?

I don't think this should get into who can link the most studies, because this thread is meant to be about what works for us and why we think it does.
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