Originally Posted By: Dave Vedder
Tye will be corprally punished if I can catch him. I didn't reallly wanna beat my dog at your party. As we type he has a shock collar on and a plate of smoked salmon on the hearth. News at 11:00

Haha... training ala Vedder sounds exactly like training ala Twitch. The ol' bait n' shock technique! I put an electric wire around all the flower beds to protect them prior to the weddun recep.... once the wire was up, I smeared a lil' peanut butter on it, and plugged'er in. YEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLP a few seconds later confirmed it was on, and now he won't go near anything that resembles white string rofl

We used the shock collar technique to break him of bolting from us to rush up to visitors at the hatchery. rofl

jack over...

Edited by Twitch (09/06/11 07:39 PM)
[Bleeeeep!], the cup of ignorance in this thread overfloweth . . . Salmo g
Truth be told, I've always been a fan of the Beavs. -Dan S.