I like topics like this because the pointy-heads crawl out of the woodwork and let us know who they are.

Then we get to ridicule them for the next few years.

RVW-- "Normal??" Homosexuality IS normal and it occurs in ALL mammalian species. Even dolphins.
Granted, it happens more in Enumclaw than anywhere else on earth, but that's what they call "the closet."

Mr. Hankie---Not being able to come to a valid point but only being able to cheerlead your fellow ditto-heads by being a spelling nazi on the ONLY typo you could find just makes you look like an even bigger, reamed-out saggy, loose, asshole than we already took you for.

SolDuc--Lighten the fvck up. What is it about teaching children to live and let live makes you turn your white sheets brown?

And the rest of you reactionary dimwits-- Yes maybe gays CAN recruit. Is that why you're so upset? That conservatives cannot? It's long been said that conservatives can't recruit so they have to breed.


PS if there was a god there would not have been a holocaust or a Bush presidency.

Edited by Irie (09/30/11 03:05 AM)