Originally Posted By: IdahoSH
I think when it comes to steelhead and light little chunks of 3/16" pencil lead liked needed for finesse drifting, you'll be strappin that Curado right back on top of that pole. It's hard to outcast a Curado with light weight.

Ah contraire sir. I have used Curados since before my voice started cracking and I am now 37. I have always stood up for the Shimano when every one else seems to get on these "Revo rants". When the water dropped and cleared a bit with little weight and spooled with 15 lb. mono I was able to clear the width of the river with ease! I had a brand new Citica that had never been used. After one accidental dunking, the drag was history for several days. This is after I had it placed in front of the heater. I think I will finally lay the Shimanos to rest. A sad day. frown