Another year come and gone and I'm still at it. This will be the start of my seventh year running this web site. Looking back at the past year a few things stand out. First - readership. As amazed as I am each year, I figure the site must be topping out. But then I get the monthly stats and they end up running 20% ahead of the previous year! Where are all you anglers coming from? This year I'm projecting readership to break through 600,000 visits for 2003. May was our big month with 72,050 angler visits ( a visit is counted each time someone logs on to the web site). Last year we had 467,000 visits. Our total numbers since I started counting are over 1.8 million visits and this year will see us break the 2 million mark!
I will admit that 2003 saw my energies wane. It was often more than enough to keep up with posting reports. I didn't post as much "extras" or add new sections this year. But still you came and I thank you for that. Our Forum has been running nicely along side the Piscatorial Pursuits main forum. Of course, winter the forum slows down but come spring it'll be a busy place again.
Reports saw a drop off in 2003. 135 less reports to be exact. That's OK, like I said I was still pretty busy. I am grateful to Uncle Wes who has supported the site with a monthly giveaway of lures to readers submitting reports. Hopefully we can continue to do something similar and get those reports flowing in greater numbers.
Financially the site is doing fine. I have enough advertisers to pay for server costs which include keeping the site on a more expensive server that provides better service. This is reflected in the site very seldom being down . I can't even recall any downtime for 2003. I also ran a few contests this year, giving away products, etc. And December saw the new banner contest which gave us a great new banner, thanks to Tom Gion. Sure looks good!
I hope as we come in to 2004 your days are good ones and your fishing opportunities many. My resolution is to try to get out more often. It seems like sometimes after work, chores, being a husband and a dad there is precious little time left for fishing. Got to figure out a way to get out more often! Certainly, I have come to appreciate those days I do manage to go fishing (and the friends that go with me).
I'd like to close by thanking all the generous readers who continue to support this site. Whether it's sending in reports, corrections, or just logging in, you are the reason I continue to cut and paste reports. It has again been my privilege to serve you and provide a place for you to have a fishing community. My vision of this site ten years from now is being built day by day by you. A data base of Washington lakes and saltwater areas unparalleled on the internet. With your help that vision is coming true. Thank you so much for everything and if there is anything you'd like to see new on the site just let me know.
Thank you all for being a part of!
Mike, Editor "Featuring readers lake and saltwater reports."