Thought you might be going ascot shopping Stam.

Having cast a fly and caught a fish hardly makes you a member of the enlightened camp. Attitude says a lot Stam, and you got a whole lotta' that. As for drift fishing with conventional gear, been there, done that. More than once even. And altho never an expert, yeah, when fish were around, it was as easy as you make it look.

I don't dislike gear fishing. I just can't stay interested in it, unless I'm hooking up every 15 or 20 minutes, and even back in those days, that was a very rare, if ever, occurrence. Fly fishing keeps me interested, even when I'm not catching fish, which is what the majority of a day's fishing consists of, regardless of gear type, and I'll throw gillnets into that mix. Done that too.

Salar makes a good point. When it comes to put downs regarding gear type and method of choice, you're leading the pack around here. Course, then there's Todd who's all about Spey Pride.