Your penultimate post was one of your all-time goofiest. Even if we ignore the rambling and the lack of cogent thought process or logic we are left wondering how you could honestly believe you can pay for a major medical expense. You can yak all you want about how you pay your way, but no one with a job like you describe yours can afford to ever pay for a catastrophic illness or accident. I have seen medical bills exceed $1,00,000 for a major head trauma. Where would you get that sort of money? Of course you wouldn’t be able to, so all of the rest of us would have to pay it. We already have socialized medicine, but it's just a very inefficient form of it.
I try not to be a name caller or to be unnecessarily cruel, but I honestly believe you would do your image a kindness by posting less or at least thinking before hitting the submit button.

Edited by Dave Vedder (12/03/11 09:31 PM)
No huevos no pollo.