Originally Posted By: Sam Roffe
Did any one notice the gecko inside that lamp with the frog next to it? I saw it the second time I looked at it.

I was wondering if anyone would pick up on that smile I almost called it "frog on a fence, lizard in a lamp" but didn't want to give it away.

There was a hand made ramshackle sign on the shore pretty near where the tarpon where at that suggested no fishing. I did noticed a couple of them were trailing broken leaders though... It was pretty clear they were people habituated as the school was following our canoe and seemed to be looking for a handout. There were a few pretty massive bonefish nearby though I was really tempted to cast at those, but again did not for fear of getting shot at and not being able to shoot back.

Mike, we wound our trip down at Placencia and it was a pretty cool little place. From what I had read I pictured it as more busy than it was. It was pretty chill actually. Placencia had probably the best swimming beaches of any place we saw on the trip. Clean, deep, and not very many weeds right by shore. In speaking with locals, it didn't sound like there was much in the way of snorkeling in the area which was my impression after walking around. There is an island just of the point of the peninsula and the channel that separates the two is a cruising spot for schools of jacks and big tarpon. I spent a bit of time chucking clousers as far as I could but only caught one super small jack and never saw the tarpon. A dude chucking bait there hooked a nice tarpon the night before we got there. Morning and evening are best. I walked quite a few miles of beach and poked around the lagoon side quite a bit and didn't find any good bonefish water. The dude that drove us to the airport owned a fly fishing guide service for 22 years there and I picked his brain a bit. According to him you have to get out to the cayes fo a good shot at bones and permit, and they are plentiful. I have his card if you need a contact down there.

I'll try and get to the final installment a little later on. Actually a fish picture or two in that batch, nothing terribly exciting though.
I am still not a cop.

EZ Thread Yarn Balls

"I don't care how you catch them, as long as you treat them well and with respect." Lani Waller in "A Steelheader's Way."