Old is a relative thing I guess. You're either as old as you act or feel. Like I said, I wasn't trying to start anything, and I certainly wasn't defending any of the obviously inconsiderate people we are bound to run into in any of our pursuits. However, if after something negative happens in the field, and then you continue to dwell on it, you have lost twice.

Curtis, next time you experience the overcalling thing, you can get upset, or leave, or maybe go over and try to explain what you think the proper thing to do would be.(Pretty obvious in the case you mentioned). I'm not talking about any confrontations, at the first sign of trouble, leave. But if you find that the people are willing to listen to you, maybe they won't make the same mistake in the future.

I've actually met some pretty cool people in the field after having a little discussion. Most folks are appreciative if you approach them with a sincere effort to help them out or show them something new. Not much to loose for trying I figure.