Yeah, way too pricey. But they got us by the cajones. Wdfw must have spent a lot of time and analysis of marketing, because there are all kinds of little things built into the process that just seem like total out of control money grabs. Way too clever. For instance, now you pay extra for "premium" applications...I always thought it was the HUNT (ie PERMIT) that was premium. but now they've made it where the APPLICATION is premium. Example: "Any Moose" is premium, "Antlerless Moose" is standard.

Until we ALL stop paying to play at these exorbitant rates, it will continue to get worse and worse.

That being said, I spent over $100 just to apply for my two son's youth hunts.
One is in his last year as a youth, and I felt compelled to make the most out of his opportunity while he still qualifies.