Chumster, I agree that baiting is probably more ethical for choosing between the sexes. However, it still doesn't justify breaking even a stupid law.

As for ratting on a friend/family member being the lowest of the lows.... Well, I guess I wouldn't consider someone who broke rules my friend. They're obviously working against law abiding hunter's interest and furthering the effort of the anti's to restrict our actions even further.

I'm all for hunters (and fishers) policing their own. I have witnessed some "hunters" do awful things in the field and I feel its my duty to ALL hunters who want to continue hunting for the next 50 years to call them on it. This weekend I had a "hunter" actually brag that he shoots hawks if they fly in range because they eat a lot of upland birds. If I could have witnessed it, I would have called it in eventhough this same person told me of a couple sweet spots minutes earlier. (This person wasn't a friend but just someone I'd met while hunting that day). If that's "low" in anyones mind, so be it. I'd rather have a clear conscience.
"If fishing is like religion, then flyfishing is high church." -Tom Brokaw