so all Neuroscientists are bat sh!t killers?

have you ever taken 100 MG of Vicodin? we will know in a few days if its true, because his kidneys/liver will likely fail fromt he Acetomenophen thats in it....

Hydrocodone, aka Vicodin, is a synthetic Heroin per say, but in pill form, last way way longer... the problem with Heroin tho, if you replicated the amount he supposedly took, with that of Heroin, he would be dead...

each pill of VIcodin, is i think 5mg and 7.5 mg with 500 and 750 mg of Acetomenophen, do the math on how many pills he would have to take to reach 100 mg, and the mgs of Aceto in it, it would kill you... but, if it was working on killing you, it would make you look pretty freakin weird looking during that process...

he said he took it just before, wich wouldnt affect him for a little bit while it "kicked in", and could most deffinately last 48 hours in some people, then, kick in the side effects of basically ODing on it, and study those...