See the fence in the background... This is a canned hunt. The king of beasts in the wild would never have acted like this lion. He would not let you walk up and just shoot him. Yes, the charge is impressive. Amazing how fast he covered the ground. Too bad such a fine creature had to die that way... Backed into a corner of a fence and shot up by a bunch of crackers. A lion that nice is a magnificent trophy and not that easy to get.
This vidio has been around for a while and I have seen it on three other sights.
In Africa ther are many places where the lion is gone. Shot out because of cattle ranching and raising of other domestic animals.
Did you guys know that in RSA all you need is 450.00 US and you can attend 10 days of class and become a certified PH. Be careful who you give your money to. Do lots of homework.
Not tring to start anything on canned hunts. To each his own... This vidio is not fair chase. To me,I just choose not to partake. I do believe you can have a fair chase hunt if the area is large enough. Say maybe... 50,000 acres. If you go to South Africa, much of it is fenced. There are outfitters that are buying up land and tearing down the fences and they provide a quality hunt. I am shopping to go, but I think I am going to Zimbabwe.