Thursday went to LP and bud had one on but crackered it by not being able to get the pole out of the rod holder , he had the front part pulled over. I use the wire scotty holderscuz they work with my Islander reels.
2Day I went out at 645 HAD 2 WAIT 4 BROTHER WHO WORKS 3RD SHIFT AT BOEING. I missed fish right off and my brother caught 8lbr 20 minutes later I hooked a monster, he went west fast and we chased him, but using MR2 you can only reel so fast He crossed in front of 22' striper about 200 yds west of me and they slowed down but ran over it Breaking my line(300' ). a few minutes later i landed 20lbr and hour later caught a 23lbr
what a day?
Tomoro I will go out 4 a couple hours if I can sneak out, my wife likes to see me on W/E's, I have to go check crab pots