Originally Posted By: Somethingsmellsf
Originally Posted By: Lead Bouncer
Originally Posted By: Somethingsmellsf
Rush Limbaugh: America's Biggest Welfare Recipient

The OxyMoron, Rush Limbaugh, is always bitching and moaning about welfare recipients (and, indeed, he slams any working person who gets any kind of assistance from the government).

But note that Rush only has a problem with poor people who get welfare. Exempt from his criticism are the rich, the politically-connected, and the corporations, who really collect most of the welfare in this country.

Indeed, the military war profiteers get vastly more welfare than all America's poor people combined. I mean, how many billions of dollars in closed, no-bid contracts did Halliburton alone receive in the Iraq War? And they're merely one of the pig-like, greedy corporations with their snouts at the trough of the bloated, wasteful Military Industrial Complex.



Your blog has some issues with the facts. Limbaugh does not own the radio station or network. So whether its CBS, ABC or FOX they are the guys responsible for the bill. What any radio host, including Alan Combs, or Air America are paid is irrelevant on the issue of the value of the public air waves. Im not even sure they are or were ever free. He just says they are. But in all fairness, lets just assume the millions paid to Howard Stern were a rip off to the taxpayer. Furthermore, the poor in America are not on their own. With all the social programs, the poor are rich compare to the poor in other countries. Most have cars, two TV's and if you get around much, a lot of folks are obese. The proof is in the yard signs. Go look. All the neighborhoods with the least valued neighborhoods are posting signs for democrats. Little good it does them.

Sorry LB, not my blog.


Cool. I actually got a response to something I posted in response to the blog that you apparently think is valid.