Originally Posted By: Tom Joad
Freedom is the first privilege and choosing not to be a part of a corrupt and bastardized system takes some thought. Voting just because you we're brainwashed into believing it is your duty is a short cut to thinking. We do not need any more non thinkers in this world . I have more respect for the Egyptian and Libyans who stood up to the bullshiat process and did something about it. Rather than the cowards in this country that go down and pull the lever for another [Bleeeeep!] sandwich out of a misplaced sense of duty and honor and bitch about it until the next time they get to do it all over again.

Nailed it.

Barack Obama has been so horrible as president that it is hard to put it into words.

But Mitt Romney would be just like Barack Obama.

Those that are dreaming of a major change in direction if Romney is elected are going to be bitterly, bitterly disappointed.
You know something bad is going to happen when you hear..."Hey, hold my beer and watch this"