China has had quite a few attacks on schools and school children in a society that doesn't allow its citizens guns. The attackers have used knives, axes, hammers, etc to carry out these attacks.

Dogfish has hit this on the head, it isn't a gun issue, it is a mental health issue and how we choose to deal with mental illnesses in this country. We cannot cure most mental health issues just as we cannot cure sexual predators.

I am starting to wonder if our 24-7 coverage of these attacks and the media airing these perpetrators names for the world to know doesn't perpetuate the continued escalation of these types of attacks. I tend to think that these people crave a one big last stand with lots of media coverage to show the world who they are and we give it to them. The networks quit showing knuckleheads running onto sporting fields so not to glorify that type of behavior and it has worked. There has to be a way to report the event without giving the perp his day in the limelight.